Icarus’s Wings and Political Heights

One of the best-known Greek stories is of Daedalus and Icarus.  Daedalus was a master carpenter who had made a great labyrinth under the court of King Minos of Crete where the dread Minotaur lived.  Taking issue with Daedalus, Minos had imprisoned him and his son,...

God Is Made Human

One of the most vexatious and controversial aspects of Christianity is the idea behind current observances of Christmas, i.e., that an invisible force, called by Hebrews “Jahweh” or “the Lord God,” chose to become incarnate in the person of...


I am inordinately fond of bunny rabbits.  What follows is a summary of experiences, feelings, and data in support of this assertion. When I was a little girl, I begged my mother to let me get a bunny for Easter.  Finally relenting, she agreed on one condition:  the...

From “Willful” to “Willing”

In 12-step programs, Step 3 is seen as crucial by many–“Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God.”  Many new to these programs may be experiencing difficulties with the word or concept of...

The Very Large and the Very Small

The Minneapolis Institute of Art (MIA) currently is hosting an exhibit entitled “Egypt’s Sunken Cities” composed of many rooms filled with artifacts many of which have been discovered by oceanic archeologists led by Franck Goddio.  The cities, which...

Bright Shiny Objects

My last blog was a poem about my being robbed years ago and some words about all invasion of our privacy by technology.  One of my frequent readers has asked me to say more about privacy rights here as opposed to in European countries, so here goes.  As of May 2018,...